Assalam wr,wb, Thanks God, after following ICT Training in Baltekkomdiknas Sumbar, I got many experiences, especially in making own blog that will be useful for me and my students in learning and teaching process. Many thanks to Department of Education Tanah Datar District which has been chosen me to take part in this occasion. I promised to my self that I'll do the best as possible as I can in my duty as English teacher. THANKS
So, the result of the training is, how to make RPP can be seen at :
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran |
| SMA | : | |
| Mata Pelajaran | : | Bahasa Inggris |
| Materi | : | Narrative text |
| Kelas/Semester | : | Kelas XI/1 |
| Alokasi Waktu | : | 2 x 45 menit
| Standar Kompetensi | : | |
| Kompetensi Dasar | : | |
| Deskripsi | : | RPP ini disajukan untuk kelas XI.IA/IS dg menggunakan media pembelajaran tape recorder, karena sekolah kami belum ada fasilitas lab.bahasa |
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| Indikator | |
| | - Mengidentifikasi tokoh dari cerita yang didengar
- Mengidentifikasi kejadian dari cerita yang didengar
- Mengidentifikasi solusi dari cerita yang didengar
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| Materi Pembelajaran | |
| | Siswa mampu: - Mengidentifikasi tokoh dari cerita yang didengar
- Mengidentifikasi kejadian dari cerita yang didengar
- Mengidentifikasi solusi dari cerita yang didengar
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| Media dan Sumber Pembelajaran | |
| | - Look a head 2 an English course. 2006. Sudarwasi dan Eudia Grace. Penerbit Erlangga.
- Bahan internet.
- Kreasi guru
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| Kegiatan Pendahuluan | |
| | - Kegiatan Pembuka (Pre Teaching Activity)
- Greeting and checking students’ attendance.
- Building knowledge of the field by asking some questions relate to the material that is going to be learnt.
- Do you ever hear or read the story about fairy tales such as cinderella, sleeping beauty, and snow white?
- How abot Malin Kundang, Siti Nurbaya?
- What do you feel after read or hear the story?
- Ask the students to guess the topic that is going to be learnt.
- Give general description about teaching activity and tell about goal of teaching.
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| Kegiatan Inti | |
| | - Kegiatan Inti (Main Activity)
- Stick the title of the narrative story on the board.
- Ask the students to tell the story (if they know before)/ activating background knowledge.
- Distribute the narrative text to the students which not complete yet.
- Ask the students to listen the narrative text read by the teacher.
- Ask the students to complete the text. (Task 1)
- Give a spoken text again to let the students complete their text.
- Make sure the students to complete the text.
- Collect the students’ answer and change their book to the other friend.
- Ask the students to write their answer on the board.
- Discuss students’ answer.
- Ask the students to understand the text.
- Give some questions to the students related to the text.
- Ask the students to answer those questions (Task 2).
- Monitor the students’ activity.
- Collect the students’ answer
- Ask the students to write their answer on the board.
- Discuss students’ answer.
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| Kegiatan Penutup | |
| | - Ask students’ difficulties during the lesson.
- Make a conclusion.
- Give follow up to the students.
- Understand the text and reconstruct the text based on students’ own word. Report it orally at the next meeting.
- Close the lesson.
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| Tindak Lanjut | |
| | Remedial for slow students and Enrichmen to smart one
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| Evaluasi | |
| | Answer the questions based on the text above!
1. Who are the characters in the story above? 2. Why does the farmer’s livestock lost? 3. Why did the farmer’s livelihood rapidly improve? 4. What did happen at the end of the story? 5. What is the moral value from the story above? | |
| Materi Pengayaan | |
| | For Enrichmen, do the next task in page.....
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| link blogspot | |
| | blogspot: fatrianis |
absolutely true........!